With WinFloor, you can layout, design and estimate precast beam & block flooring quickly and easily.
Making use of its bay by bay method, and customised to suit your own units, WinFloor can also produce layouts for brick and block work, as well as steel frames.
It helps you to achieve the most economical floor layout and can insert units automatically, saving you time and money.
How can WinFloor
help your business?
Rapid layouts for beam & block flooring
WinFloor is perfect for residential construction; its an affordable application that is simple to use and helps you to achieve economical layouts quickly.
Quick to learn and easy to use
One of WinFloor's strengths is its user-friendly interface and intuitive design. Your operators won’t need any special structural engineering knowledge before training.
Automation with complete control
Automatic features include insertion of units, production of cross sections, and calculations. Yet it’s flexible enough to allow manual control and revisions whenever they’re needed.
Expanding WinFloor with additional tools
Users can expect continuous improvement, including integration with other PreCastOffice modules for project management, quotations, stock management, logistics and invoicing.
Expanding WinFloor with additional tools
i-Theses acquired WinFloor after spending more than 10 years becoming the market leader in the UK and Ireland’s precast flooring software market. As we integrate WinFloor into PreCastOffice and the i-Theses portfolio, we’ll use our 25 years of experience in precast software to expand the platform's capabilities.
Using customer feedback and sticking to our plan for continuous improvement, we will be introducing new features and tools that work seamlessly alongside existing features.
As a WinFloor user, you will be able to take advantage of applications for project management, quotations, stock management, logistics and invoicing. This will help you to reduce errors, save time, and manage projects more effectively.
Seamlessly integrate workflows, from estimate to invoice
WinFloor will become part of the PreCastOffice suite of applications. In addition to advanced design tools, administrative and production workflows are fully automated through PlanDesk.
Once the necessary design checks are complete, and the floor layout agreed, all it takes to produce production drawings and bill of materials is the push of a button.
By combining WinFloor with PlanDesk applications, every detail is carried through to production and then the stockyard, as well as for planning cargoes. Generation of important documentation and labels is easy, and you can get the perfect overview of your current project statuses via iTs Project Manager.